use std::{path::PathBuf, time::Instant, fs::File, io::{Read, self, Write}, os::unix::prelude::AsRawFd, process}; use aya::{Bpf, maps::Array as BpfArray}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; use aya::programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags}; use aya_log::BpfLogger; use clap::Parser; use env_logger::Env; use log::{info, warn}; use responder_common::filter; use responder_common::filter::bloom_filter; #[cfg(all(debug_assertions, not(feature = "default_artifact_build")))] const DEFAULT_TARGET: &str = "target/bpfel-unknown-none/debug"; #[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), not(feature = "default_artifact_build")))] const DEFAULT_TARGET: &str = "target/bpfel-unknown-none/release"; #[cfg(feature = "default_artifact_build")] const DEFAULT_TARGET: &str = "bin/ebpf"; #[derive(Debug, Parser)] struct Opt { #[clap(short, long, default_value = "lo")] iface: String, #[clap(short, long, default_value = "syn")] scan_type: String, #[clap(long, default_value = "bitmap")] filter_type: String, #[clap(long)] filter_path: PathBuf, #[clap(default_value = DEFAULT_TARGET, long)] target: PathBuf, #[clap(short, long)] fd_info_out_path: Option } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let start = Instant::now(); let opt = Opt::parse(); env_logger::Builder::from_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("info")).init(); let mut bpf_path = PathBuf::new(); bpf_path.push(; let xdp_name = format!("{}-{}", opt.scan_type, opt.filter_type); bpf_path.push(xdp_name.clone()); let mut bpf = Bpf::load_file(bpf_path)?; if let Err(e) = BpfLogger::init(&mut bpf) { warn!("failed to initialize eBPF logger: {} This can happen if the loaded eBPF program has no log statements.", e); } // Obtain and load the XDP program called "responder" defined in the XDP file loaded above let program: &mut Xdp = bpf.program_mut("responder").unwrap().try_into()?; program.load()?; program.attach(&opt.iface, XdpFlags::default()) .context(format!( "failed to attach the {} XDP program with default flags \ - try changing XdpFlags::default() to XdpFlags::SKB_MODE", xdp_name ))?; info!("Loaded {} XDP program; FD: {}", xdp_name, program.fd().unwrap().as_raw_fd()); if let Some(path) = opt.fd_info_out_path { info!("Emitting pid and fd to {:?}", &path); let info = format!("{{\"fd\": {}, \"pid\": {}}}\n", program.fd().unwrap().as_raw_fd(), process::id()); File::create(path)?.write_all(info.as_bytes())?; } info!("Installing filter rules from {:?}", opt.filter_path); let mut filter_map: BpfArray<_, [u8; filter::CHUNK_BYTES]> = BpfArray::try_from(bpf.map_mut("FILTER_MAP") .ok_or(anyhow!("Could not construct mutable FILTER_MAP"))?)?; let mut filter_binary = File::open(opt.filter_path)?; let mut dimensions_buf: [u8; 8] = [0u8; 8]; filter_binary.read_exact(&mut dimensions_buf)?; let file_address_bits = u64::from_be_bytes(dimensions_buf); if file_address_bits != (filter::ADDRESS_BITS as u64) { return Err(anyhow!( "Filter dimension ADDRESS_BITS does not match binary. Please rebuild the filter or recompile the binaries\n\tFile:\t{}\n\tBinary:\t{}", file_address_bits, filter::ADDRESS_BITS )); } filter_binary.read_exact(&mut dimensions_buf)?; let file_address_bits_chunk = u64::from_be_bytes(dimensions_buf); if file_address_bits_chunk != (filter::ADDRESS_BITS_CHUNK as u64) { return Err(anyhow!( "Filter dimension ADDRESS_BITS_CHUNK does not match binary. Please rebuild the filter or recompile the binaries\n\tFile:\t{}\n\tBinary:\t{}", file_address_bits_chunk, filter::ADDRESS_BITS_CHUNK )); } if opt.filter_type == "bloom" { filter_binary.read_exact(&mut dimensions_buf)?; let file_hash_count = u64::from_be_bytes(dimensions_buf); if file_hash_count != (bloom_filter::HASH_COUNT as u64) { return Err(anyhow!( "Filter dimension HASH_COUNT does not match binary. Please rebuild the filter or recompile the binaries\n\tFile:\t{}\n\tBinary:\t{}", file_hash_count, bloom_filter::HASH_COUNT )); } } let mut chunk = [0 as u8; filter::CHUNK_BYTES]; let mut i = 0; loop { let read = chunk)?; if read > 0 { filter_map.set(i, chunk, 0)?; i += 1; } if read < filter::CHUNK_BYTES { break; } } if (i as usize) != filter::MAP_SIZE { return Err(anyhow!( "Number of chunks in file ({}) do not match expected number ({})", i, filter::MAP_SIZE )) } info!("Loading XDP program took {:?}", start.elapsed()); println!("press any key to exit"); let mut buf = [0u8]; io::stdin().read_exact(&mut buf)?; // signal::ctrl_c().await?; info!("Exiting..."); Ok(()) }