use std::{fs, io, process}; use std::error::Error; use std::io::{Read, stderr, stdin, stdout, Write}; use std::str::FromStr; use crate::aoc_day::{AocDay, Part}; use crate::command::{Command, CommandType, format_duration, Terminal}; use crate::web::WebContext; pub struct Runner<> { pub day: AocDay, pub part: Part, pub terminal: Terminal, pub web_context: WebContext, } // TODO replace TODO with issues impl Runner { pub fn new(day: AocDay, part: Part, web_context: WebContext) -> Self { Self { day, part, web_context, terminal: Terminal::new(), } } pub fn close(self) -> io::Result<()> { self.web_context.close() } pub fn make_missing_files_if_open(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { let Self { ref day, ref mut terminal, ref mut web_context, .. } = self; if day.is_open() { if !day.has_source_code() { let mut child = process::Command::new("gucci") .args(&[ "-s", format!("day=day{}",, "templates/" ]) .stdout(process::Stdio::from(fs::File::create(day.source_code_path())?)) .stderr(process::Stdio::inherit()) .spawn()?; if !child.wait()?.success() { return Err("Error while running gucci".into()); } process::Command::new("git").args(&["add", day.source_code_path().as_str()]).status()?; } if !day.has_input_file() { let answer = terminal.yes_no(Some(true), Some("Fetch input file from Advent of Code website? "))?; let res: Result<(), Box> = match answer { Some(true) => { println!("Fetching..."); web_context.curl_request_to_named_file( day.input_file_url().as_str(), day.input_file_path(), )?; Ok(()) } Some(false) | None => Ok(()) }; res?; } if !day.has_test_input_file() { fs::File::create(day.test_input_file_path())?; process::Command::new("git").args(&["add", day.test_input_file_path().as_str()]).status()?; } } return Ok(()); } pub fn test(&self) -> Result> { let output = process::Command::new("cargo") .args(&[ "test", "-q", format!("test_day{}",, // TODO specify which part to test "--bin", format!("day{}",, "--color=always", ]) .output()?; eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stderr)?); println!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?); return Ok(output.status.success()); } pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { let test_succeeded = self.test()?; if test_succeeded || self.terminal.yes_no(Some(false), Some("Test failed, run anyways? "))?.unwrap_or(false) { let output_file = format!("outputs/day{}-{}.txt",, self.part.as_str()); let output = process::Command::new("cargo") .args(&[ "run", "-q", "--bin", format!("day{}",, "--", "--part", self.part.as_digit().to_string().as_str(), "--output-file",, "--color=always", ]) .output()?; // TODO Spawn and do fancy terminal things eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stderr)?); println!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?); if output.status.success() { let mut output_file = fs::File::open(output_file)?; let mut output = String::new(); output_file.read_to_string(&mut output)?; println!("For day {} part {} got result {}", self.terminal.strings.emph_style.paint(, self.terminal.strings.emph_style.paint(&self.part.to_string()), self.terminal.strings.emph_style.paint(&output) ); // TODO Query puzzle status from AOC before submitting if self.terminal.yes_no(Some(true), Some("Submit to Advent of Code? "))? .unwrap_or(false) { self.do_submit(output)?; } } } return Ok(()); } fn submit(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { let output_age =; if let Some(output_age) = output_age { let mut output = String::new(); fs::File::open( output)?; let answer = self.terminal.options(Some("r"), &["Rerun", "Submit", "Cancel"], Some(format!("Found output {} with age {} ", self.terminal.strings.emph_style.paint(&output), format_duration(output_age)).as_str()))?; println!("{:?}", &answer); if let Some(s) = answer { match s.as_str() { "r" =>, "s" => self.do_submit(output)?, _ => (), } } } else { } Ok(()) } fn do_submit(&mut self, submission: String) -> Result<(), Box> { // TODO get tls session from curl and wrap around lynx, OR parse output file into text or minimal html let data = format!("level={}&answer={}", self.part.as_digit(), submission); self.web_context.curl_post_to_lynx(, data.as_bytes()) } pub fn reset_part(&mut self) { self.part = Part::ONE } pub fn switch_part(&mut self) { match self.part { Part::ONE => self.part = Part::TWO, Part::TWO => self.part = Part::ONE, } } pub fn change_day(&mut self, args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), String> { let day = args.first() .ok_or("Expected 1 argument got 0")? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Invalid argument 1: {}", e))?; if day <= 25 { = day; Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("AoC is played on 1-25 December, {} December is not a valid day.", day)) } } pub fn change_year(&mut self, args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), String> { let year = args.first() .ok_or("Expected 1 argument got 0")? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Invalid argument 1: {}", e))?; if year >= 2015 { = year; Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("AoC started in 2015, {} is not a valid year.", year)) } } pub fn print_day(&self) { let ordinal_suffix = if >= 10 && <= 20 { "th" } else { match % 10 { 1 => "st", 2 => "nd", 3 => "rd", _ => "th" } }; println!("Current Advent of Code Day is the {}{} of {}",, ordinal_suffix,; // TODO make impl Display for AOCDay } pub fn start_runner(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { self.print_day();; self.make_missing_files_if_open()?; loop { stderr().flush()?; print!("> "); stdout().flush()?; let mut line = String::new(); stdin().read_line(&mut line)?; let args: Vec<&str> = line.trim().split_whitespace().collect(); match args.first().map(|s| Command::from_str(*s).map_err(|e| (s, e))) { None => (), Some(Err((s, _))) => eprintln!("Unknown command \"{}\"", *s), Some(Ok(command)) => { let args = &args[1..]; match command.command_type { CommandType::Test => self.test().map(|_| ()), CommandType::Run =>, CommandType::Submit => self.submit(), CommandType::NextPart => Ok(self.switch_part()), CommandType::Puzzle => Ok(self.web_context.lynx(, CommandType::Day => Ok({ self.change_day(args)?; self.reset_part(); self.print_day(); self.make_missing_files_if_open()?; }), CommandType::Year => Ok({ self.change_year(args)?; self.print_day(); }), CommandType::Leaderboard => Ok(self.web_context.lynx(, CommandType::Help => Ok(, CommandType::Quit => break, }?; } } } return Ok(()); } }